The most cited articles published since January 2021. Source: Scopus
Review ArticleNanoemulsions for drug delivery (Open Access)Volume 64, May 2022, Pages 85-97Abstract
Full Length ArticleIn-situ constructing visible light CdS/Cd-MOF photocatalyst with enhanced photodegradation of methylene blueVolume 69, October 2022, Pages 111-122Abstract
Review ArticlePickering emulsions stabilized by colloidal surfactants: Role of solid particles (Open Access)Volume 64, May 2022, Pages 153-163Abstract
Invited Paper
Advanced electrode processing of lithium ion batteries: A review of powder technology in battery fabrication (Open Access)
Volume 57, August 2021, Pages 56-71Abstract -
Invited PaperToxicity of manufactured nanomaterials (Open Access)Volume 69, October 2022, Pages 31-48Abstract
Full Length ArticleConstruction of Co2NiO4@MnCo2O4.5 nanoparticles with multiple hetero-interfaces for enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption (Open Access)Volume 81, October 2023, Pages 86-97Abstract
Invited PaperParticles in composite polymer electrolyte for solid-state lithium batteries: A review (Open Access)Volume 60, January 2022, Pages 14-36Abstract
Invited PaperNanozyme: A promising tool from clinical diagnosis and environmental monitoring to wastewater treatment (Open Access)Volume 71, December 2022, Pages 90-107Abstract