Volume 58
Volume 58,
Pages 1-324 (October 2021)
Invited PaperRecent progress in sulfur cathodes for application to lithium–sulfur batteries (Open Access)Volume 58, October 2021, Pages 1-15Abstract
Invited PaperInfluence of doping nitrogen on the catalytic performance of carbon nanotubes encapsulating cobalt for selective oxidation of arylalkanes (Open Access)Volume 58, October 2021, Pages 85-91Abstract
Invited PaperPlatinum-based ternary catalysts for the electrooxidation of ethanol (Open Access)Volume 58, October 2021, Pages 169-186Abstract
Full Length ArticleExperimental study on filtering mixed solid–liquid dust with a sliding granular bed filterVolume 58, October 2021, Pages 16-25Abstract
Full Length ArticleStepwise shape optimization of the surface of a vibrating screenVolume 58, October 2021, Pages 26-34Abstract
Full Length ArticleSingle droplet drying of detergents: Experimentation and modelling (Open Access)Volume 58, October 2021, Pages 35-47Abstract
Full Length ArticleAnalysis of hydrodynamic effects on biofilm thickness in fluidized-bed tapered bioreactorsVolume 58, October 2021, Pages 48-57Abstract
Full Length ArticleMixing and segregation of binary mixtures of biomass and silica sand in a fluidized bedVolume 58, October 2021, Pages 58-73Abstract