Volume 3 Issue 4
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Wang, B., Li, C., & Peng, X. (2005). Adsorption of nano-particles on bubble surface in nano-particle suspension. China Particuology, 3(4), 208-212. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1672-2515(07)60188-2
Adsorption of nano-particles on bubble surface in nano-particle suspension
Buxuan Wang *, Chunhui Li, Xiaofeng Peng
Laboratory of Phase-Change and Interfacial Transport Phenomena, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China
Volume 3, Issue 4, August 2005, Pages 208-212
Received 4 March 2005, Accepted 6 July 2005, Available online 14 December 2007.
E-mail: bxwang@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


The adsorption of nano-particles on bubble surface is discussed for saturated boiling on thin wire of nano-particle suspensions. Owing to the decrease of surface tension for suspensions, the nano-particles tend to adsorb on the bubble surface to decrease the Gibbs free energy for stability, and meanwhile the velocity of nano-particles would be smaller than that of bubble growth. The long-range van der Waals force existing between “water particles” and nano-particles is considered the attractive force between the nano-particles and the bubble surface. Thus, the nano-particles would attach on the bubble surface if the particle-surface distance is smaller than its critical value. The distribution of nano-particles on the bubble surface and in the adjacent region is also investigated.

Graphical abstract
nano-particle suspension; attachment; critical distance