Volume 32
Volume 32,
Pages 1-190 (June 2017)
Full Length ArticleDetermination of particle exchange rates at over-flow weirs in horizontal fluidised beds by particle tracking velocimetryVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 1-9Abstract
Full Length ArticleA comparison between powder flow property testersVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 10-20Abstract
Full Length ArticleDiscrete element modeling of the effect of particle size distribution on the small strain stiffness of granular soilsVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 21-29Abstract
Full Length ArticleNumerical analysis of residence time distribution of solids in a bubbling fluidized bed based on the modified structure-based drag modelVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 30-38Abstract
Full Length ArticleHydrodynamics characterization of a choanoid fluidized bed bioreactor used in the bioartificial liver system: Fully resolved simulation with a fictitious domain methodVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 39-48Abstract
Full Length ArticleEffect of aspect ratio on triaxial compression of multi-sphere ellipsoid assemblies simulated using a discrete element methodVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 49-62Abstract
Full Length ArticleAnalysis of gas–solid flow and shaft-injected gas distribution in an oxygen blast furnace using a discrete element method and computational fluid dynamics coupled modelVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 63-72Abstract
Full Length ArticleDisordered packing density of binary and polydisperse mixtures of curved spherocylindersVolume 32, June 2017, Pages 73-81Abstract