Volume 3 Issue 6
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Zhang, H., & Zhu, Q. (2005). Structure control in hydroxyapatite synthesis by hydrothermal reaction and organic modulators. China Particuology, 3(6), 317-320. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1672-2515(07)60209-7
Structure control in hydroxyapatite synthesis by hydrothermal reaction and organic modulators
Huigang Zhang a b, Qingshan Zhu a *
a Multiphase Reaction Laboratory, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, P. R. China
b Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. China
Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2005, Pages 317-320
Received 30 September 2005, Accepted 10 November 2005, Available online 27 November 2007.
E-mail: qszhu@home.ipe.ac.cn


Properties of materials are determined not only by their composition, but also by their structure. It is, therefore, of great significance to develop the ability of tailoring the structure of materials according to the requirements of intended applications. In this work a novel glutamic acid-assisted hydrothermal process was developed to synthesize apatite crystals with controllable morphologies. Varied morphologies from whisk broom, fibers, mushroom, prickly spheres, to dandelion were produced through modulating both the formation of a transitory phase and its transformation into the final phase.

Graphical abstract
structure control; hydrothermal reaction; apatite