Volume 6 Issue 6
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Feng, Y. Q., & Yu, A. B. (2008). An analysis of the chaotic motion of particles of different sizes in a gas fluidized bed. Particuology, 6(6), 549–556. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2008.07.011

An analysis of the chaotic motion of particles of different sizes in a gas fluidized bed

Y.Q. Feng *, A.B. Yu
Lab for Simulation and Modelling of Particulate Systems, School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2008, Pages 549-556
Received 10 March 2008, Accepted 15 July 2008, Available online 11 November 2008.
E-mail: Yuqing.Feng@csiro.au


The dynamic behavior of individual particles during the mixing/segregation process of particle mixtures in a gas fluidized bed is analyzed. The analysis is based on the results generated from discrete particle simulation, with the focus on the trajectory of and forces acting on individual particles. Typical particles are selected representing three kinds of particle motion: a flotsam particle which is initially at the bottom part of the bed and finally fluidized at the top part of the bed; a jetsam particle which is initially at the top part of the bed and finally stays in the bottom de-fluidized layer of the bed; and a jetsam particle which is intermittently joining the top fluidized and bottom de-fluidized layers. The results show that the motion of a particle is chaotic at macroscopic or global scale, but can be well explained at a microscopic scale in terms of its interaction forces and contact conditions with other particles, particle–fluid interaction force, and local flow structure. They also highlight the need for establishing a suitable method to link the information generated and modeled at different time and length scales.

Graphical abstract
Fluidization; Segregation; Discrete particle simulation; Granular dynamics