Volume 11 Issue 2
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Cai, X., Huang, Z., Dong, F., & Murai, Y. (2013). Preface. Particuology, 11(2), 134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2012.12.003
Xiaoshu Cai (Guest Editor) a *, Zhiyao Huang (Guest Editor) b, Feng Dong (Guest Editor) c, Yuichi Murai (Guest Editor) d
a University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
b Zhejiang University, China
c Tianjin University, China
d Hokkaido University, Japan
10.1016/j.partic.2012.12.003 Get rights and content
Volume 11, Issue 2, April 2013, Page 134
Available online 16 January 2013.
E-mail: usst_caixs@163.com


As a communication platform for multiphase flow measurement technologies, the 7th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow (ISMTMF) was held on September 17–19, 2011 in Tianjin, China. Presentations in the symposium cover a wide range of topics including measurement fundamentals, novel sensors and measurement methods. In this special issue, we present a selection of eight papers from this symposium and two invited papers, referring to the theoretical and experimental studies on different measurement techniques for multiphase flow and particle sizing.

Ultrasound spectrometry has in-line, non-invasive capabilities in measurement of particles in optically opaque, undiluted materials. Professor Povey presented in his invited paper a brief account of ultrasound propagation, scattering theory and extensively the recent progress of ultrasonic particle sizing technique, and also indicated the challenge of complex data interpretation for widespread use. Interferometric laser imaging for droplet sizing (ILIDS) is a promising method for measurement of droplet size and velocity and application to spray measurement. By using an ILIDS numerical simulator, Professor Brunel introduced a newly designed ILIDS configuration for microscopy, volumetric 3D droplet's characterization.

Among the eight papers, Hu and Zhou presented the numerical simulation and experimental results on swirling pulverized coal combustion and NO formation; Song, Xu and Wang described the application of rainbow technique in multiphase flow for simultaneously measuring the radius, real and imaginary parts of refractive index of a cylinder; Nagami and Saito discussed the modulation induced by bubble–liquid interaction using PIV/LIF method. Other papers are related respectively to development and applications of digital imaging and electrical tomography, which all reflected the hotspots in research and development.

As guest editors, we would like to express our appreciation and thanks to the authors and the reviewers for their excellent collaboration, and our acknowledgements to Dr. Wu Zhou in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology for her efforts in publishing this special feature.

Graphical abstract