- Volumes 84-95 (2024)
Volumes 72-83 (2023)
Volume 83
Pages 1-258 (December 2023)
Volume 82
Pages 1-204 (November 2023)
Volume 81
Pages 1-188 (October 2023)
Volume 80
Pages 1-202 (September 2023)
Volume 79
Pages 1-172 (August 2023)
Volume 78
Pages 1-146 (July 2023)
Volume 77
Pages 1-152 (June 2023)
Volume 76
Pages 1-176 (May 2023)
Volume 75
Pages 1-228 (April 2023)
Volume 74
Pages 1-200 (March 2023)
Volume 73
Pages 1-138 (February 2023)
Volume 72
Pages 1-144 (January 2023)
Volume 83
Volumes 60-71 (2022)
Volume 71
Pages 1-108 (December 2022)
Volume 70
Pages 1-106 (November 2022)
Volume 69
Pages 1-122 (October 2022)
Volume 68
Pages 1-124 (September 2022)
Volume 67
Pages 1-102 (August 2022)
Volume 66
Pages 1-112 (July 2022)
Volume 65
Pages 1-138 (June 2022)
Volume 64
Pages 1-186 (May 2022)
Volume 63
Pages 1-124 (April 2022)
Volume 62
Pages 1-104 (March 2022)
Volume 61
Pages 1-120 (February 2022)
Volume 60
Pages 1-124 (January 2022)
Volume 71
- Volumes 54-59 (2021)
- Volumes 48-53 (2020)
- Volumes 42-47 (2019)
- Volumes 36-41 (2018)
- Volumes 30-35 (2017)
- Volumes 24-29 (2016)
- Volumes 18-23 (2015)
- Volumes 12-17 (2014)
- Volume 11 (2013)
- Volume 10 (2012)
- Volume 9 (2011)
- Volume 8 (2010)
- Volume 7 (2009)
- Volume 6 (2008)
- Volume 5 (2007)
- Volume 4 (2006)
- Volume 3 (2005)
- Volume 2 (2004)
- Volume 1 (2003)
• The main input of particles within the steelworks originated from open sources.
• Stacks had a limited effect on the coarse particle concentrations.
• Fine particles were emitted mainly from stacks, fugitive emissions and open sources on site.
• Regional background provided high amount of fine aerosols to the steelworks.
• Lidars allowed to map aerosols in real time.
Particulate matter (PM) emissions from steelworks cause public concern. Although end-of-pipe and process integrated measures have led to a significant drop in emissions of large particles from stacks, fine aerosols were not specifically considered, nor were emissions from fugitive and open sources. In this study, we deployed aerosol samplers together with a scanning ultra-violet (UV) lidar to characterize total suspended particles (TSP), PM10, and PM2.5, in emissions from a large integrated steelworks in Spain over a 16-day period. We determined the content of carbonaceous, soluble inorganic, mineral dust, and metal species. A positive matrix factorization was carried out on our dataset. Despite mineral dust being predominant in all size fractions, the steelworks was clearly a source of carbonaceous species, resulting in production of secondary inorganic aerosols. In particular, stack emissions were a major contributor of fine particles, while open sources dominated the emissions of TSP, yielding up to 80% of particles larger than PM10. UV lidar provided 2D maps of aerosols in real time, with an ability to detect PM emissions and to visualize complex plumes. We suggest that air quality management of steelworks needs to focus on controlling large and coarse particle emissions, especially those from open sources.