Volume 32
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J.S, S., & Behera, N. (2017). Transient parameter analysis of pneumatic conveying of fine particles for predicting the change of mode of flow. Particuology, 32, 82-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2016.07.004
Transient parameter analysis of pneumatic conveying of fine particles for predicting the change of mode of flow
Shijo J.S., Niranjana Behera *
School of Mechanical & Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu 632014, India
Volume 32, June 2017, Pages 82-88
Received 15 January 2016, Revised 12 May 2016, Accepted 6 July 2016, Available online 11 November 2016, Version of Record 20 April 2017.
E-mail: beheranira@rediffmail.com; niranjanabehera@vit.ac.in


• Variations of three parameters in response to flow mode change during conveying were evaluated.

• The calculated parameter variations may help to trace location of flow mode change.

• Of the three parameters, Shannon entropy analysis provided a better indication of flow mode change.


During the process of pneumatic conveying of fine particles, the flow mode may change from dense to dilute. In studying this mode change, we evaluate three parameters (Hurst exponent, Shannon entropy, and phase-space attractor size) used in signal analysis. Experimental data of pneumatic conveying of fly ash at three locations along a 173-m-long pipeline were used for this analysis. Variations in magnitude of the Hurst exponent, Shannon entropy, and size of the phase space attractor exhibit different trends in their variations for dense and dilute mode of flow. From these trends it is possible to predict the change from dense to dilute mode and the location along the length of the pipeline of this change in mode of flow.

Graphical abstract
Fluidized dense; Hurst exponent; Shannon entropy; Phase space