Volume 34
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Ahmadi Motlagh, A. H., Grace, J. R., Briens, C., Berruti, F., Farkhondehkavaki, M., & Hamidi, M. (2017). Experimental analysis of volatile liquid injection into a fluidized bed. Particuology, 34, 39-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2016.11.003
Experimental analysis of volatile liquid injection into a fluidized bed
A.H. Ahmadi Motlagh a*, John R. Grace a, Cedric Briens b, Franco Berruti b, Masoumeh Farkhondehkavaki b, Majid Hamidi b
a Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z3, BC, Canada
b Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR), Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Western University, London N6A 5B9, ON, Canada
Volume 34, October 2017, Pages 39-47
Received 18 June 2016, Revised 14 November 2016, Accepted 16 November 2016, Available online 11 April 2017, Version of Record 12 August 2017.
E-mail: amirmotlagh@gmail.com; amotlagh@chbe.ubc.ca


• Liquid injection experiments on a lab-scale fluidized bed were conducted.

• Particle internal porosity was found to play a major role in liquid distribution.

• The superficial gas velocity had a strong impact on the liquid distribution pattern.

• The results shed light on complexities involved in the injection zone.


Experiments were conducted on a lab-scale fluidized bed to study the distribution of liquid ethanol injected into fluidized catalyst particles. Electrical capacitance measurements were used to study the liquid distribution inside the bed, and a new method was developed to determine the liquid content inside fluidized beds of fluid catalytic cracking particles. The results shed light on the complex liquid injection region and reveal the strong effect of superficial gas velocity on liquid distribution inside the fluidized bed, which is also affected by the imbibition of liquid inside particle pores. Particle internal porosity was found to play a major role when the changing mass of liquid in the bed was monitored. The results also showed that the duration of liquid injection affected liquid–solid contact inside the bed and that liquid–solid mixing was not homogeneous during the limited liquid injection time.

Graphical abstract
Liquid injection; Fluidized bed; Fluid catalytic cracking; Hydrodynamics; Vaporization