Volume 35
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Gerber, S., & Oevermann, M. (2017). A two dimensional Euler–Lagrangian model of wood gasification in a charcoal bed—Part II: Parameter influence and comparison. Particuology, 35, 22-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2017.01.004
A two dimensional Euler–Lagrangian model of wood gasification in a charcoal bed—Part II: Parameter influence and comparison
Stephan Gerber a *, Michael Oevermann b
a Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany
b Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Applied Mechanics, Division of Combustion, Gothenburg, Sweden
Volume 35, December 2017, Pages 22-30
Received 9 August 2016, Revised 21 December 2016, Accepted 4 January 2017, Available online 30 May 2017, Version of Record 30 November 2017.
E-mail: stephan.gerber@fu-berlin.de


• Euler–Lagrangian simulation of wood gasification in a charcoal bed was performed.

• Long time simulation exhibited the various temporal behavior of the phases.

• Tar concentrations at the reactor outlet strongly depended on model settings.

• Particle contact properties showed minor influence on the results.


A Euler–Lagrangian simulation was employed for a comprehensive parameter study of wood gasification in a fluidized charcoal bed. The parameters that were varied include the initial bed temperature, fuel mass flow rate, inert tar fraction, and kinetic energy losses caused by particle–particle and particle–wall collisions. The results of each parameter variation are compared with a base scenario, previously described in detail in Part I of this study (Gerber & Oevermann, 2014). The results are interpreted by comparing the reactor outlet temperature, averaged particle temperature, overall wood mass, overall charcoal mass, concentrations of several gaseous species, and axial barycenter data for particles obtained with different sets of parameters. The inert tar fraction and fuel mass flow rate are the most sensitive parameter, while the particle–particle and particle–wall contact parameters have only a small impact on the results. Increasing the reactive tar components by 19% almost doubled the amount of reactive tars at the reactor outlet, while decreasing the restitution coefficients of the particle collisions by 0.2 results in higher overall gas production but almost no change in bed height. Herein, our numerical results are discussed in detail while assessing the model restrictions.

Graphical abstract
Wood gasification simulation; Gas–solid flow; Discrete element method; Pyrolysis; Gasification; Charcoal