Volume 44
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Durand, A., Esquena, J., Yang, N., Ma, G., Ren, Y., Kleine Jäger, F., & Sachweh, B. (2019). Retrospect and prospect: 30years of Formula conferences! Particuology, 44, 3-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2019.01.001
Retrospect and prospect: 30 years of Formula conferences!
Alain Durand a *, JordiEsquenab, Ning Yang c, Guanghui Ma c, Ying Ren c, Frank Kleine Jäger d, BerndSachwehe
a Université de Lorraine, CNRS, LCPM, F-54000 Nancy, France
b Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, CSIC, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
c Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
d BASF SE, 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany
e BASF Advanced Chemicals Co., Ltd. No 300, Shanghai 200137, China
Volume 44, June 2019, Pages 3-6
Available online 26 February 2019, Version of Record 30 April 2019.
E-mail: alain.durand@univ-lorraine.fr


The history of Formula conferences was summarized with a particular focus on Formula I and Formula IX (the first and last conferences of the series). The foundation of formulation during the middle of the 1980s by people from academia and industry in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering was briefly overviewed. The current trends in formulation as well as in product engineering were listed.

Graphical abstract
Formulation; Engineering; Product; Formula conferences