Volume 51
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Wang, J., Yang, Z., & Wang, M. (2020). Effect of non-spherical particles on burning behavior during aluminum combustion. Particuology, 51, 173-183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2019.11.004
Effect of non-spherical particles on burning behavior during aluminum combustion
Jinyun Wang a b, Zailin Yang a *, Mengjun Wang b
a College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
b Key Laboratory of Dual Dielectric Power Technology, Hebei Hanguang Industry Co. Ltd., Handan 056017, China
Volume 51, August 2020, Pages 173-183
Received 27 November 2018, Revised 4 September 2019, Accepted 1 November 2019, Available online 6 January 2020, Version of Record 11 April 2020.
E-mail: 13503102573@163.com; yangzailin@hrbeu.edu.cn


• Impact of non-spherical particles on nano-aluminum burning behavior was examined.

• Particle shape and size play a significant role in combustion performance.

• Reasonable agreement between simulation results and experimental data was obtained.

• Current models should be adapted for non-spherical nano-aluminum combustion.


The shape of an aluminum particle is assumed to be spherical or an equivalent sphere during the combustion process. Such an assumption lacks objectivity and leads to unreasonable approximations of burning efficiency and performance. To investigate the influence of non-spherical particles on burning behavior, this study focused on a theoretical and experimental investigation of the combustion of nanoscale aluminum ellipsoidal particles. Models for prolate and oblate spheroids in aluminum combustion were established to explore combustion properties such as mass release rate, linear burning rate, burning rate, and burnout time. To validate the theoretical results, combustion experiments were conducted on three samples. Reasonable agreement between the results of numerical simulation and experimental findings was obtained in terms of the particle burning characteristics. It was found that particle morphology (such as prolate or oblate spheroid shape) and size play a significant role in the combustion performance of nanosized aluminum particles.

Graphical abstract
Nanosized aluminum; Combustion; Non-spherical particle; Morphology