Volume 51
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Hammerich, S., Stickland, A. D., Radel, B., Gleiss, M., & Nirschl, H. (2020). Modified shear cell for characterization of the rheological behavior of particulate networks under compression. Particuology, 51, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2019.10.005
Modified shear cell for characterization of the rheological behavior of particulate networks under compression
Simon Hammerich a *, Anthony D. Stickland b, Benjamin Radel a, Marco Gleiss a, Hermann Nirschl a
a Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Strasse am Forum 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
b Particulate Fluids Processing Centre, Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, 3010, Australia
Volume 51, August 2020, Pages 1-9
Received 30 July 2019, Revised 12 September 2019, Accepted 25 October 2019, Available online 20 December 2019, Version of Record 11 April 2020.
E-mail: Simon.Hammerich@kit.edu


• A modified shear cell for the Schulze Ring shear tester was developed.

• The drainage system in the cup and lid allowed investigation of sediments at full saturation.

• The flow behavior and shear compression were characterized.

• The sediments consisted of inorganic particles, crystals, and organic particles.

• Time-related variation of sediment movement from flowing to gliding during shearing was observed.


Knowledge of the rheological behavior of saturated particulate networks is crucial for every process in which a particulate network is built-up, dewatered, or transported, as in a decanter centrifuge. However, difficulties arise as to how to characterize the material properties. Thus far, no standardized method or measurement device has prevailed. In this work, the requirements for a useful device are discussed, followed by the design of a modified shear cell for a Schulze ring shear tester RST-01.pc and its measurement procedure. Shear experiments under normal load with different sediments consisting of inorganic and organic particles whose material properties strongly affect the rheological behavior were performed. The results demonstrate the potential of the modified shear cell. Furthermore, current challenges in characterization are discussed. The characterization possibilities of the developed shear cell are a further step toward understanding the rheological behavior of liquid-saturated particulate networks.

Graphical abstract
Sediment rheology; Saturated particulate network; Shear cell; Shear compression; Rheological behavior