Volume 53
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Aracena, K. d. l. Á. V., Uñac, R. O., Ippolito, I., & Vidales, A. M. (2020). Movement initiation of millimeter particles on a rotating rough surface: The role of adhesion. Particuology, 53, 92-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2020.02.004
Movement initiation of millimeter particles on a rotating rough surface: The role of adhesion
Karina de los Ángeles Valenzuela Aracena a, Rodolfo O. Uñac a, Irene Ippolito b, Ana M. Vidales a *
a INFAP, CONICET, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Ejército de los Andes 950, D5700HHW San Luis, Argentina
b Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Grupo de Medios Porosos, Paseo Colón 850, C1063ACV Buenos Aires, Argentina
Volume 53, December 2020, Pages 92-99
Received 23 January 2020, Revised 26 March 2020, Accepted 4 April 2020, Available online 25 April 2020, Version of Record 16 December 2020.
E-mail: avidales@unsl.edu.ar


• Experiments for movement initiation of beads by centrifugation.

• Evidence that adhesion forces are important in millimeter particles for certain materials.

• A simple theoretical model with an adhesion term between surfaces can describe the results.

• Up to one order of magnitude difference in forces is needed for detachment of 3- to 8-mm particles.


We performed experiments to determine the critical moment for movement initiation of a millimeter bead on a rotating rough surface. The corresponding critical angular velocities were measured for glass and stainless-steel ball bearings over two different rough surfaces with glued glass beads. A basic theoretical analysis was developed to explain the observed results. Although the expectation of a simple approach with the presence of the obstacles offered by a rough surface could be sufficient to describe the problem, we prove here that the sole consideration of these obstacles, and even friction, are insufficient to explain the results in the range of a few-millimeter glass particles. Where the thermodynamic work of adhesion between surfaces is significant, the adhesion forces must be considered in the force balance for particle detachment. This effect is a determinant for describing theoretically and numerically the dynamics of millimeter particles.

Graphical abstract
Detachment; Adhesion; Centrifugation