Volume 71
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Zhang, Y., Zhu, J., Liang, P., Jiao, T., & Li, X. (2022). Flow characteristics of mixed particles with a simulated cold state in moving bed reactor. Particuology, 71, 11-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2022.01.002
Flow characteristics of mixed particles with a simulated cold state in moving bed reactor
Yaqing Zhang, Jialong Zhu, Peng Liang *, Tiantian Jiao, Xiangping Li
College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
Volume 71, December 2022, Pages 11-19
Received 14 September 2021, Revised 6 December 2021, Accepted 4 January 2022, Available online 21 January 2022, Version of Record 23 February 2022.
E-mail: skd993844@sdust.edu.cn


• An in-depth analysis of factors affecting solid–solid flow and mixing was made.

• The mixing uniformity increases as the proportion of solid heat carrier increased.

• The optimized heat carrier to coal ratio is 6:1, and insert half angle is 20°.

• Residence time was explored to predict the actual coal pyrolysis progress.


The funnel flow of high-temperature circulating ash and coal in moving bed with height restrictions directly influences the efficiency of coal pyrolysis and scale-up design of reactor. It is one of the technical bottlenecks in the use of moving bed. In order to provide data support for the particle flow and pyrolysis model close to the actual working conditions in the future, this study describes the flow characteristics of solid–solid mixed particles in a cold two-dimensional moving bed. The results indicate that flow characteristics of mixed particles in the quartz sand–coal system are better than those in the cold circulating ash–coal system. The optimized conditions were obtained, the insert half angle is 20° and a heat carrier to coal ratio of 6:1. As the mixture progressed downstream, secondary separation of the heat carrier and coal become apparent. Furthermore, mixture residence time has been investigated to explore the relationship between regional residence time and to predict accurately the actual pyrolysis progress in pyrolyzer.

Graphical abstract
Flow characteristics; Moving bed; Secondary separation; Residence time