Volume 80
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Marquardt, J. E., Römer, U. J., Nirschl, H., & Krause, M. J. (2023). A discrete contact model for complex arbitrary-shaped convex geometries. Particuology, 80, 180-191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2022.12.005
A discrete contact model for complex arbitrary-shaped convex geometries
Jan E. Marquardt a b *, Ulrich J. Römer c, Hermann Nirschl b, Mathias J. Krause a b d
a Lattice Boltzmann Research Group, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Straße am Forum 8, Karlsruhe, 76131, Germany
b Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Straße am Forum 8, Karlsruhe, 76131, Germany
c Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstraße 10, Karlsruhe, 76131, Germany
d Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Englerstraße 2, Karlsruhe, 76131, Germany
Volume 80, September 2023, Pages 180-191
Received 6 September 2022, Revised 25 November 2022, Accepted 9 December 2022, Available online 22 December 2022, Version of Record 1 March 2023.
E-mail: jan.marquardt@kit.edu


• Novel discrete contact model for complex shapes (applicable in 2D and 3D).

• Consideration of realistic particle properties.

• Extensive studies showing excellent accuracy.

• Particle rebound in the presence of a viscous fluid.


The shape of particles has a significant influence on the behavior of suspensions, as the particle-fluid, particle-particle, and particle-wall interactions depend on it. However, the simultaneous consideration of complex particle shapes and four-way coupling remains a major challenge. This is mainly due to a lack of suitable contact models. Contact models for complex shapes have been proposed in literature, and most limit the accuracy of the particle-fluid interaction. For this reason, this paper presents a novel contact model for complex convex particle shapes for use with partially saturated methods, in which we propose to obtain necessary contact properties, such as the indentation depth, by a discretization of the contact area. The goal of the proposed model is to enable comprehensive and accurate studies of particulate flows, especially with high volume fractions, that lead to new insights and contribute to the improvement of existing industrial processes. To ensure correctness and sustainability, we validate the model extensively by studying cases with and without fluid. In the latter case, we use the homogenized lattice Boltzmann method. The provided investigations show a great agreement of the proposed discrete contact model with analytical solutions and the literature.

Graphical abstract
Partially saturated cells method; Homogenized lattice; Boltzmann method; Arbitrarily shaped particle; Discrete contact model; Particle-resolved simulation; OpenLB