Volume 84
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Qiu, M., Jiang, L., Liu, R., Tang, Y., & Liu, M. (2024). CFD-DEM simulation of fluorination reaction in fluidized beds with local grid and time refinement method. Particuology, 84, 145-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2023.03.016
CFD-DEM simulation of fluorination reaction in fluidized beds with local grid and time refinement method
Mofan Qiu, Lin Jiang, Rongzhen Liu, Yaping Tang, Malin Liu *
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
Volume 84, January 2024, Pages 145-157
Received 19 December 2022, Revised 25 February 2023, Accepted 6 March 2023, Available online 5 April 2023, Version of Record 14 April 2023.
E-mail: liumalin@tsinghua.edu.cn


• A local grid refinement method is proposed to improve the accuracy of flow field information.

• A local time step automatically refinement method is developed according to the changing particle size.

• The multistage conical-cylindrical spouted bed is proposed for the fluorination reaction process.

• The proposed methods improve the chemical reaction sub-model accuracy in CFD-DEM model.


The gas-solid reaction process with wide particle size distribution is extensively used in the chemical engineering field, especially the particle reacts with the gas gradually, such as fluorination reactions in fluidized beds. When the computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method (CFD-DEM) is used for the coupling simulation of multiphase and polydisperse particle reaction system, the grid size directly affects the accuracy of flow field information and simulation of chemical reaction. Furthermore, particle calculation time step will directly affect the efficiency of coupling calculation. In this work, a local grid and time step refinement method is proposed to simulate multiphase and polydisperse particle fluidization reaction system. In this method, the refined DEM grids are automatically generated in the computational domain around the fine particles, and the detailed fluid phase information is obtained with the interpolation algorithm. In the two-phase coupling process, particles are divided into different groups based on physical properties, each group has its own independent time step. The multistage conical-cylindrical spouted bed is proposed for the fluorination reaction process; the operating gas velocity range of the polydisperse particle system is extended by the new design while the particle size distribution changes with the gas-solid reaction process. It is demonstrated that the local grid and time step refinement method can improve the accuracy and efficiency of the traditional CFD-DEM method in the reaction process simulation, which describes a polydisperse particle system with wide particle size distribution. Aimed at improving the simulation accuracy and efficiency, this paper will be helpful for simulating the particle reaction process in the gas-solid fluidized bed and beneficial for the development of the CFD-DEM method.

Graphical abstract
CFD-DEM; Polydisperse particle; Two-phase flow; Fluidized bed