- Volumes 84-95 (2024)
Volumes 72-83 (2023)
Volume 83
Pages 1-258 (December 2023)
Volume 82
Pages 1-204 (November 2023)
Volume 81
Pages 1-188 (October 2023)
Volume 80
Pages 1-202 (September 2023)
Volume 79
Pages 1-172 (August 2023)
Volume 78
Pages 1-146 (July 2023)
Volume 77
Pages 1-152 (June 2023)
Volume 76
Pages 1-176 (May 2023)
Volume 75
Pages 1-228 (April 2023)
Volume 74
Pages 1-200 (March 2023)
Volume 73
Pages 1-138 (February 2023)
Volume 72
Pages 1-144 (January 2023)
Volume 83
Volumes 60-71 (2022)
Volume 71
Pages 1-108 (December 2022)
Volume 70
Pages 1-106 (November 2022)
Volume 69
Pages 1-122 (October 2022)
Volume 68
Pages 1-124 (September 2022)
Volume 67
Pages 1-102 (August 2022)
Volume 66
Pages 1-112 (July 2022)
Volume 65
Pages 1-138 (June 2022)
Volume 64
Pages 1-186 (May 2022)
Volume 63
Pages 1-124 (April 2022)
Volume 62
Pages 1-104 (March 2022)
Volume 61
Pages 1-120 (February 2022)
Volume 60
Pages 1-124 (January 2022)
Volume 71
- Volumes 54-59 (2021)
- Volumes 48-53 (2020)
- Volumes 42-47 (2019)
- Volumes 36-41 (2018)
- Volumes 30-35 (2017)
- Volumes 24-29 (2016)
- Volumes 18-23 (2015)
- Volumes 12-17 (2014)
- Volume 11 (2013)
- Volume 10 (2012)
- Volume 9 (2011)
- Volume 8 (2010)
- Volume 7 (2009)
- Volume 6 (2008)
- Volume 5 (2007)
- Volume 4 (2006)
- Volume 3 (2005)
- Volume 2 (2004)
- Volume 1 (2003)
• Detailed description of a novel test rig for investigation of radiative heat transfer.
• Combination of three measurement techniques for heat transfer measurements.
• Comparison of heat transfer between specular and diffuse reflecting surfaces.
• Details of radiative heat transfer in particle beds become accessible and quantifiable.
A novel test rig for the investigation of radiative heat transfer in packed beds has been developed and is introduced with representative experimental results. The individual components and the calibration are discussed. The generic packed bed is realized in a simplified way by an arrangement of parallel rods, which represent particles in pseudo-2D. In this arrangement, electrically heated rods provide the radiation propagating through the rod array to heat the passive counterparts. A sophisticated temperature-control scheme with a large number of thermocouples and infrared-imaging provides in-depth information about heat transfer in the system. Spectral radiation intensities are determined with a Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, which has been modified and validated for this specific application. In order to compare the influence of different surface properties of particles on the heat propagation and surface reflections, rod samples made of stainless steel and magnesium oxide are used. The influence of material properties becomes clearly visible by comparing the high radiation intensities resulting from a stainless steel rod array to the same geometry built from magnesium oxide rods. In addition, the influence of the surface properties is particularly evident in the infrared images since the reflections are significantly higher for the stainless steel samples than for the magnesium oxide samples. The experimental results in the current work demonstrate the ability of the test rig to provide data with a well-defined accuracy as a validation base for numerical radiation simulations in packed beds.