• Performed two-fluid meso-scale simulations for ranges of micro/macro-scale conditions.
• Found flow fields with gradually refined structures at lower particle Froude numbers.
• Filtered meso-scale data to provide effective drag, filtered and residual stresses.
• Found mostly systematic responses of all sub-grid parameters to particle Froude number.
Sub-grid effective drag, filtered and residual stresses in the meso-scale of gas-particle fluidized flows are intrinsically affected by underlying micro-scale conditions as well as non-local effects related to macro-scale conditions. In this work we applied microscopic two-fluid modeling to experiment with particle Froude number in order to evaluate the impact of this micro-scale condition over the concerning meso-scale derived sub-grid parameters. We performed highly resolved simulations in periodic domains for particle Froude numbers from 12.21 to 799.22, for a wide range of macro-scale conditions. Results were filtered and classified by ranges of meso-scale markers for the various particle Froude numbers. The particle Froude number was found to considerably affect the structural refinement of the heterogeneous flow fields thereby directly impacting effective drag, filtered and residual stresses. All of those parameters showed systematic behaviors in relation to particle Froude number, thereby providing sound data for new sub-grid modeling propositions.