Volume 98
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Effects of static bed height on pressure fluctuations and phase hold-ups in fluidized bed flotation column
Jincheng Liu a b c, Mengdi Xu a b, Yaowen Xing a b *, Xiahui Gui a b *
a State Key Laboratory of Coking Coal Resources Green Exploitation, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116, China
b Chinese National Engineering Research Center of Coal Preparation and Purification, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116, China
c School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116, China
Volume 98, March 2025, Pages 56-66
Received 6 November 2024, Revised 23 December 2024, Accepted 20 January 2025, Available online 7 February 2025, Version of Record 13 February 2025.
E-mail: cumtxyw@126.com; guixiahui1985@163.com


• Static bed height effects on hydrodynamics in fluidized bed were investigated.

• Cross sectional and radial gas-solid hold-ups distribution were detected by ERT.

• Pressure fluctuation signals were analyzed by time and frequency domain methods.

• Bubble dynamics and particle movements cause the variant static bed height effects.


Characterizing the hydrodynamics of a fluidized bed flotation column is essential for understanding the behavior of this multiphase flow system. Bed pressure fluctuations and phase hold-ups are two of these key characteristics. Static bed height effects on these two key characteristics were comprehensively studied using experimental and statistical analysis operating for different flow regimes. And three different bed height-to-diameter ratios (H/D = 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) were investigated. The time series signals of pressure fluctuation were recorded via a pressure transducer, then analyzed through time and frequency domain methods. Cross-sectional and radial combined gas and solid hold-ups distribution were detected through the electrical resistance tomography under different H/D ratios. Results indicated that the key parameters of bed pressure fluctuation signals and gas-solid hold-up distributions are significantly affected by the change in static bed height, which can be explained by differences in bubble dynamics and particle movement behaviors.

Graphical abstract
Fluidized bed flotation column; Hydrodynamics; Static bed height; Electrical resistance tomography; Bed pressure fluctuations; Phase hold-ups