Volume 96
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Long, W., Ji, J., Zeng, W., Han, Z., Zhang, H., An, X., & Jiang, S. (2025). CFD-DEM investigation on effects of particle size distribution and gas temperature on minimum fluidization velocity of pyrites. Particuology, 96, 244-255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2024.11.009
CFD-DEM investigation on effects of particle size distribution and gas temperature on minimum fluidization velocity of pyrites
Wei Long a, Jingbo Ji a, Wei Zeng b, Zhiming Han b, Hao Zhang a c d *, Xizhong An a, Shengqiang Jiang e
a Key Laboratory for Ecological Metallurgy of Multimetallic Mineral of Ministry of Education, School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819, China
b Wengfu (Group) Co., Ltd., Wengfu Chemical Company, Fuquan, 550500, China
c Engineering Research Center of Frontier Technologies for Low-carbon Steelmaking (Ministry of Education), Shenyang, 110819, China
d Institute of Low-carbon Frontier Technologies of Steelmaking, Shenyang, 110819, China
e School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, 411105, China
Volume 96, January 2025, Pages 244-255
Received 5 October 2024, Revised 6 November 2024, Accepted 11 November 2024, Available online 30 November 2024, Version of Record 10 December 2024.
E-mail: zhangh@mail.neu.edu.cn


• Minimum fluidization velocity at different temperatures was studied.

• Influence of particle size distribution is discussed.

• Minimum fluidization velocity decreases with the increase of temperature.

• Prediction correlation of minimum fluidization velocity is established.


The multiphase reactive flow behavior of pyrites in fluidized roasters is closely related to particle size distribution (PSD) and gas temperature. The coupled computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method (CFD-DEM) is used to stress the effect of PSD and gas temperature on the minimum fluidization velocity (Umf). Firstly, the accuracy of the model is verified via the previously well-established correlations. Then, the influence of four types of PSD (Gaussian-type, Mono-type, Flat-type and Binary-type) and three temperatures on Umf is explored. Numerical results show that the Umf for the Flat-type PSD is the smallest among the four while the one for the Mono-type PSD is the largest. The minimum fluidization velocities for the Mono-type and Gaussian-type PSD share quite similar values. With the same PSD, increasing the gas temperature results in a decrease in the minimum fluidization velocity. Finally, predictive correlations for the minimum fluidization velocity of the gas-solid fluidized bed reactors are established based on the numerical results.

Graphical abstract
Pyrite; Particle size distribution; CFD-DEM; Minimum fluidization velocity