Volume 96
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Huo, C., Yu, B., Chen, L., Peng, Y., Yin, H., Ouyang, P., & Gong, H. (2025). Initial equilibrium droplet size distribution at the swirl separator with progressive process. Particuology, 96, 264-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2024.11.008
Initial equilibrium droplet size distribution at the swirl separator with progressive process
Chen Huo a, Bao Yu b d, Ling Chen c, Ye Peng a, Hong Yin c, Ping Ouyang c, Haifeng Gong b *
a School of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, 400067, China
b School of Environment and Resources, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, 400067, China
c Engineering Research Centre for Waste Oil Recovery Technology and Equipment of Ministry of Education, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, 400067, China
d Chongqing Technology and Business University S&T Developing INC, Chongqing, 400067, China
Volume 96, January 2025, Pages 264-280
Received 6 June 2024, Revised 5 October 2024, Accepted 8 November 2024, Available online 30 November 2024, Version of Record 12 December 2024.
E-mail: ghfpy@ctbu.edu.cn


• The initial equilibrium droplet size distribution is d50 = 85–90 μm under V = 5 m/s at the separator.

• Examining the evolution of the equilibrium droplet size distribution from volume fraction of droplet population in detail.

• Providing a theoretical basis and support the strategy for the rational design of separation devices to promote droplet coalescence.


Tangential separator is widely used in industries as vital demulsification and dewatering separation devices but leads to high breakage rate of droplets. To address this, the swirl separator with progressive process was developed by exploiting operational merits of swirl element to minimize the breakage rate of droplet. The initial droplet size distribution has an influence on the droplet size distribution within the flow field. Accordingly, the droplet size distribution was analyzed numerically and verified through experimental measurements. The evolution of the droplet size distribution from the numerical simulation was then investigated. Based on these, the mechanism of droplet coalescence and breakup were examined. The results show that the initial equilibrium droplet size distribution is d50 = 85–90 μm at V = 5 m/s. Simultaneously, the turbulent dissipation rate is lower than the other initial droplet size distributions. Moreover, the numerical model can reasonably be utilized to the investigation. When the initial droplet size distribution is above d50 = 90 μm, the effect of droplet breakup is dominated. The rate of droplet breakup increases, and the coalescence rate decreases with the draining time of liquid film for coalescence increasing, which is unconducive to improve the separation efficiency. Conversely, if the initial droplet size distribution is below d50 = 85 μm, the swirl element promotes the droplet coalescence. The separation efficiency has an improvement. Additionally, the swirl element enhances the turbulent dissipation rate within the flow field.

Graphical abstract
Swirl separator with progressive process; Initial equilibrium droplet size distribution; Dynamic equilibrium; Droplet coalescence