Volume 96
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Fan, J., Wang, X., Xu, J., Yang, K., Chen, J., Wang, L., & Chen, J. (2025). Investigation of the particle-loaden filtration performance for real fibre media using CFD-DEM. Particuology, 96, 281-293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2024.11.015
Investigation of the particle-loaden filtration performance for real fibre media using CFD-DEM
Jianhua Fan a b, Xiangqin Wang a, Jintong Xu a, Kun Yang a, Jianglei Chen c, Lu Wang d *, Jinshi Chen a *
a School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, 130025, China
b Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun, 130022, China
c Huanghe Xinye Co. Ltd, China
d College of Food Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, 130062, China
Volume 96, January 2025, Pages 281-293
Received 24 July 2024, Revised 28 October 2024, Accepted 21 November 2024, Available online 5 December 2024, Version of Record 12 December 2024.
E-mail: luwang@jlu.edu.cn; spreading@jlu.edu.cn


• Model of fibre geometry consistent with real fibre structure is used for particle filtration.

• Particle transport and deposition in fibre media are studied by a coupled CFD-DEM.

• Effect of dimensionless numbers on particle-loaden filtration is explored.

• Inertial impact and interception mechanisms are considered for particle filtration.

• Dynamic filtration performance of fibrous filters is investigated.


In this paper, the particle-loaden filtration of real fibre media was numerically studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) method. The filtration performance was comprehensively analysed by combining fluid and particle properties into a single dimensionless number, Stokes number (St). The results indicated that the capture efficiency increased with St until it stabilised at a certain limit value, which was in good agreement with the results of the previous empirical laws, confirming the accuracy and reliability of the CFD-DEM algorithm. In addition, the capture contribution of fluid and particle properties were investigated. It was found that increasing particle size and density was effective in improving capture efficiency. Moreover, reducing fluid viscosity was the most favourable condition for improving filtration performance. For the dynamic filtration of particle size dp = 2–4 μm, the evolution of the capture efficiency and the pressure drop for dp = 4 μm was higher than that of other particle sizes due to the easy formation of the dendrite structure. In terms of the quality factor, the fibre layer exhibited a better filtration performance for particles with a diameter of 4.0 μm. This study provided a good understanding of dynamic particle-loaden filtration, which is useful for the optimal design of fibre filters.

Graphical abstract
Fibrous filter; Particle deposition; CFD-DEM; Dynamic capture efficiency; Filtration performance