Discrete element method model calibration and validation for the spreading step of the powder bed fusion process to predict the quality of the layer surface (Open Access)
Marco Lupo, Sina Zinatlou Ajabshir, Daniele Sofia, Diego Barletta, Massimo Poletto*
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Powder bed fusion; Laser sintering; Powder spreading; Discrete element method; Wavelet transform
DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2024.08.010
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Lupo, M., Zinatlou Ajabshir, S., Sofia, D., Barletta, D., & Poletto, M. (2024). Discrete element method model calibration and validation for the spreading step of the powder bed fusion process to predict the quality of the layer surface. Particuology, 94, 261-273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2024.08.010