Volume 54
Volume 54,
Pages 1-200 (February 2021)
Full Length ArticleSegregation behavior of a ternary mixture of titanium dioxide particles in a pseudo two-dimensional fluidized bedVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 78-90Abstract
Full Length ArticleDetermination of the physical and interaction properties of sorghum grains: Application to computational fluid dynamics–discrete element method simulations of the fluid dynamics of a conical spouted bedVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 91-101Abstract
Full Length ArticleEnd wall effect on particle motion in a chute flowVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 102-108Abstract
Full Length ArticleCharge transfer and bipolar charging of particles in a bubbling fluidized bedVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 109-115Abstract
Full Length ArticleAxial flow structure of solids holdup in an 18-m high-density CFB riser based on pressure measurementsVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 116-125Abstract
Full Length ArticleResuspension of spherical particles due to surface vibrationVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 126-135Abstract
Full Length ArticleFluidization of micro-interconnected fluidized beds for chemical loopingVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 136-145Abstract
Full Length ArticleApplication of micro-morphology in the physical characterization of urban road dustVolume 54, February 2021, Pages 146-155Abstract